Thursday, August 4, 2016

Three top tips for early autumn gardenin

Ruth has three top tips for early autumn gardening
Tip 1. Reduce the amount of water you give your houseplants until the compost is almost dry between waterings. Also stop feeding unless the plant is growing or flowering.
In autumn, start reducing the frequency you water your indoor plants
In autumn, start reducing the frequency you water your indoor plants

Tip 2. One of the most important jobs of gardening: continue to deadhead, water and feed containers and hanging baskets and they will continue to produce flowers until the first frosts.
Tip 3. Leatherjackets (crane fly larvae) will be munching the roots of grass, so apply the pathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae, which is watered into the turf or soil. Crows, rooks and starlings, which will make holes in the lawn probing for the grubs with their beaks.


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