Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The ultimate guide to compost

Choosing the right compost needn’t be a challenge. Follow Amateur Gardening’s easy-to-understand guide and your garden will be bloomin’ lovely!


  1. Multi-purpose compost

    Multi Purpose Compost
    Multi Purpose Compost
The best all-rounder. Once called ‘universal’ compost, these mixes cater for a host of uses – including sowing large seeds, pricking out seedlings and planting-up pots, containers and hanging baskets. Don’t use it to sow small seeds though: choose a seed compost (see no. 4, below). Go for a quality brand of multi-purpose such as Miracle-Gro compost or Levington. Expect bags of multi-purpose to contain around 40-70 per cent peat.

  1. Peat-free multi-purpose compost

    guide to compost
    Peat Free Multi Purpose Compost
Peat is widely regarded as one of the best compost ‘ingredients’ for raising plants. In recent years, concern has escalated over its use, with a growing band of gardeners arguing that peat is best left in bogs, which are considered to be important wildlife habitats. A decade ago, early peat-free composts were dire – but today’s eco-friendly mixes have come on in strides, although extra care may be needed with watering and feeding. For best results, opt for a bag from a well-known manufacturer. As well as the Miracle-Gro peat-free shown here, those made by New Horizon have won applause from gardeners, too. Peat-frees can be used for the same tasks as multi-purpose compost, above 1.

  1. High-peat multi-purpose compost

    guide to compost
    High Peat multi purpose Incredicompost
Many gardeners swear by peat, with some arguing that it is a renewable resource. It’s light, free-draining and is an excellent growing medium for plants. To meet this demand, manufacturers are introducing more high-peat multi-purpose composts, which should offer great results. Incredicompost (80 per cent Irish peat and 20 per cent wood fibre) is new from Thomson & Morgan for 2015, although it’s only available by mail-order. It’s a premium multi-purpose that’s ideal for pot and container plants, and comes with a sachet of fertiliser. An established high-peat blend is Westland’s Jack’s Magic, which can be found at garden centres nationwide. It’s another good all-round compost.

  1. Sowing seeds compost 

    Guide to compost
    Seed Sowing Compost
Choosing the right compost to make your seeds burst into life is critical. That’s why we recommend a seed compost for germinating seeds, especially small ones. A good seed compost will coax flower and vegetable seeds into life; helping young seedlings to develop strong roots and healthy growth. Most seed composts work well for rooting cuttings, too.

  1. Pricking out – Seedling compost (John Innes No.1)

    guide to compost
    Pricking Out John Innes
Once your seeds have germinated and are growing well, you’ll need to prick them out them out before they become leggy (tall and spindly). You can use multi-purpose, but a low-nutrient seedling compost is better, and is ideal for cuttings that have rooted. A good seed compost will contain sufficient nutrients for the first two to four weeks of use. You’ll notice that a lot of composts have the name ‘John Innes’ on the bag. John Innes is a formulation that was developed over 60 years ago and comprises heat-treated loam, sphagnum moss peat, horticultural sand and fertilisers. The exact blend depends on the product you’re buying, but the mixes make such composts perfect for specific gardening tasks


  1. Potting-on compost (John Innes No. 2)

    Guide to composts
    Potting On John Innes No 2
When young plants are ready to be transferred into bigger pots, look for a potting-on compost – such as a John Innes No. 2.
These will contain sufficient fertiliser to keep your plants fed for up to six weeks, encouraging them to produce healthy top-growth and strong root systems – but not so much that it might damage roots.

  1. Mature Plant Compost (John Innes No.3)

Over the years, mature plants that live in containers outdoors can need a bit of TLC. Their compost can become compacted and depleted of nutrients, leading to poor growth and, in severe cases, leaf yellowing and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases.
As multi-purpose composts are only designed to be in use for six to twelve months, never use these mixes for long-term plantings. Choose a John Innes No. 3 as it’s specially formulated for plants that will be in the same container for several years.
It won’t degrade so fast, but after 6-8 weeks you may need to start feeding plants again.

 8. Ericaceous compost

guide to compost
Ericaceous Compost
Plants such as rhododendron, azalea, camellia, acer, magniloa, skimmia and heather are the horticultural world’s equivalent of children who are fussy eaters. They’re picky about what they put their roots into, detesting soil with lime in it, and insisting on acidic growing media. Ericaceous compost is the name given to blends that are suitable for acid-lovers. They’re often high-peat mixes, with a peat content of between 60-100 per cent.
Ericaceous compost can be mixed into the soil when planting acid-lovers in borders, and for top-dressing (spreading on the soil surface) of plants that prefer acidic soil.
This compost is only suitable for plants that need acid soil.

9. Containers and hanging baskets compost

guide to compost
Container and Hanging Basket Compost
As mentioned earlier, multi-purpose compost works fine in pots, hanging baskets andcontainers. But if you often forget to water (who doesn’t), or your baskets and tubs are in a very hot, sunny position, it’s worth going for a specific pot and basket compost.
The key ingredient in most of these products is a water-retaining gel, which soaks up moisture when you water and releases it direct to the roots as the compost starts to dry.
Miracle-Gro Moisture Control compost is a popular choice for pots and baskets as it absorbs twice as much water as ordinary compost. This, says Miracle-Gro, leads to 50 per cent less watering than standard compost – and it contains six months’ fertiliser, too.

 10. Growing bag 

Guide to compost
Growing Bag
Growing bags take the hassle out of planting edibles – the  bag contains a specially-formulated blend of compost, nutrients and water-retaining gel. They’re ideal for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, courgettes and salad crops. The key to success is to choose the biggest, fattest bag you can find: the fatter the bag, the more compost it contains and the deeper your plant’s roots will be able to go. Cheap, thin bags can dry out quickly on hot summer days, with serious consequences for developing fruit and veg. Most growing bags will accommodate a host of crops, but the one shown here is enriched with seaweed extract, which helps to improve root growth and yield on tomatoes.


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